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As pioneer of private table tennis clubs in Malaysia, PJ Union have been established by a handful of passionate players more than 10 years ago.

We have now grown from a leisure friday night after work session into a professional table tennis training centre.

The growth of the brand in the country has to owe it's efforts to the club managers.

As pioneer of private table tennis clubs in Malaysia, PJ Union have been established by a handful of passionate players more than 10 years ago.
PJ Union乒乓球俱樂部
自 2003 年以來

多尼克是地球上最著名的乒乓球公司之一。由 Karl-Heinz 和 Frank Schreiner 於 25 年前在德國創立,Donic 一直證明其質量,尤其是著名的 SENSO 技術刀片。 Jan-Ove Waldner,奧運冠軍和 6 次世界冠軍,現在已經擔任了 20 多年的大使。
PJ Union 很榮幸成為 Donic 乒乓球產品在馬來西亞的主要經銷商。它在製造橡膠和刀片方面的聳人聽聞的技術影響了我們所有俱樂部成員的名字。與多尼克一起去的顧客感受到了刀片的巨大力量和巨大的控制力。
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